The Contemporary China Mobility Memory and Perspective project (CCMMP)
Collaboration with Collaboration with Jérémie Descamps, Zhang Chun, Zhou Le, Wang Gongxin, Marie Terrieux and Frédéric Henriques.
Date: 2015
The Contemporary China Mobility Memory and Perspective project is a trans-disciplinary research on the representations and imagery on mobility in China. Over the course of fifteen months, several town-planners, geographers, sociologists, artists, collectors, cultural producers amongst other specialists respectively based in France and China engaged in collaborative enquiry.
The way people migrate from place to place plays a significant role in society. Daily mobility, leisure, tourism, and migrations shape the mode of existence of people and model social networks. How these practices catalysed the memories, dreams, and hopes of the Chinese population? How the burgeoning of new means of transportation alters lifestyles and travel practices? What is the link between mobility and representations of modernity in China?
In this project, Thomas Sauvin’s duty was to build the whole corpus of images. He gathered in total 82 historical and contemporary photographs, which originated from his Beijing Silvermine archive. It was composed of propaganda photo-books, vintage studio photographs, recycled negatives, and contemporary snapshots. This corpus characterised the evolution of people’s mobility in China. It served as a tool for sociologists who conducted investigations in several Chinese cities to understand the way Chinese society remembered, forgot, imagined, represented, dreamt or lived such mobility and how it conceived its urban future.
Corpus of 82 images gathered by Thomas Sauvin
Photograph from the Beijing Silvermine archive
Photograph from the Beijing Silvermine archive
Mo Yi
Peng Xiangjie
Photograph from the Beijing Silvermine archive