By Thomas Sauvin and Erik Kessels
13 x 15 cm / 24 pages
Date of publication: 2014
"METV" is publication made as a collaboration between Thomas Sauvin and Erik Kessels in Beijing. From the many pictures documenting TVs in China, these eight photographs are the best they’ve ever seen. Found in a market in Beijing, the images show a woman in her late sixties, always in an identical pose. In fact, the only thing that changes is her outfit. Or rather, the only thing that changes is her top, a new colourful jumper in each image. Her trousers are always the same. Even here pinkie finger remains static and strangely angled, in shot after shot. ME TV is limited to 300 copies and contains eight prints, each inserted by hand into the pages.
"METV "是苏文和Erik Kessels在北京联合出版的一本书。在众多记录中国电视的照片中,这八张是他们见过的最好的照片。这些照片淘自北京的一个市集,照片中的女人年过六旬,总是以相同的一个姿势出现。唯一改变的仅有她的衣服,或者说仅是她的上衣,每张照片都会换一件不同的彩色毛衣,而裤子却总是一样。在一个接一个的镜头前,连小拇指都以奇怪的姿态保持不变。《ME TV》限量300册,共8张,每张照片皆为手工插入。
Entered the collection of Centre Pompidou, 2019
Entered the collection of BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France), 2016
Video by German Cheuk / Salt Yard