
5,30 x 8,30 x 2,10 cm / 108 pages
Hardcover, with a cigarette box
Date of publication: 2015
Publisher: Jiazazhi Press
6th edition, printed in February 2023

Signed on request

Until Death Do Us Part / 双喜

"Until Death Do Us Part" focuses on the unexpected role cigarettes play in Chinese weddings. As a token of appreciation, it is customary for the bride to light a cigarette for each and every man invited. The bride and the groom are then invited to play some cigarette-smoking games of an unprecedented ingenuousness. This publication pays homage to a tradition in which love and death walk hand in hand. These photos come from the Beijing Silvermine project, an archive of half a million negatives salvaged over the years from a recycling plant on the edge of Beijing.

《双喜》聚焦于香烟在中国婚礼中所扮演的意想不到的角色。在中国婚宴中,通常新娘要为每一位男士来宾点燃一支烟以表感谢。新娘和新郎会被邀请玩一些粗糙质朴的抽烟游戏,这本书正是向这个爱与死亡并肩的传统致敬。里面照片来自 "北京银矿"——一个由50多万张从北京郊区回收站逐年抢救回来的废旧底片组成的档案库。


Entered the collection of Centre Pompidou, 2019
Showed in the inaugural hang of the Victoria & Albert museum’s new Photography Centre « A History of Photography: Daguerreotype to Digital » from october 2018 to september 2020
Selected as one of the "Greatest Photo Books of All Time" by Source Photographic Review issue N°88, 2016
Nominated for the Best Photobook at the Fotobook Festival, Kassel, Germany, 2016
Entered the collection of BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France), 2016
Selected as one of the Photo-Eye Best Books, 2015
Selected as one of the New York Times Best Photobooks, 2015

Thomas Sauvin - Until Death Do Us Part
Thomas Sauvin - Until Death Do Us Part


Video by Frédéric Henriques

