
VERSO by Thomas Sauvin
co-published by Jiazazhi and RVB

244 x 350 mm
Hard cover, Stapled
128 pages, 64 colour
ISBN : 978-2-492175-21-3

Verso / 遮面

By Thomas Sauvin
Co-published by Jiazazhi and RVB

I like to see the identity photo as a fossil, a sort of human imprint fixed on a layer of paper. Banal, repetitive, monotonous, these ultra-standardised portraits are somewhat the antonym of artistic portraits and yet, beyond their signal functions, a certain charm emerges from these faces forced to neutrality.

In this series called VERSO I plunged into my collection gleaned in China over the last fifteen years. The series was born simply. By exposing these photos to a strong light source, we discover the print by transparency while very laconic information, written in a more or less singular calligraphy, appears on the faces. These handwritten notes provide us with allusive information about unknown people who obviously no longer belong to the administration of the living. A name, a place, a date are all that remain of these lives reduced to mere squares of paper, fragile deposits printed on fibres. And yet, can we imagine better traces to evoke their passage? It is as if the fusion of the front and back sides, bringing a face and modest biographical elements into the same plane, opened up a new register, that of a latent encounter between an image and its hidden face.

